Tuesday, December 11, 2012


“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” 
 Victor Hugo

Music is one of the few things we do that involves the whole brain.  Every culture uses music, and you don't need to understand their language to appreciate their music.  Music has been shown to have psysiological benefits.  Studies have shown that music can lower your blood pressure, reduce the sensation and distress of chronic and post-operative pain, reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of migraines, and improve the post-operative recovery of strokes.

Of course, we don't all agree on what music is soothing or healing.  What is soothing to me might be annoying to you.  Be almost everyone could name a song (or type of music) that they find soothing.  So today, find some time to listen to music that is healing for you.  And if you are feeling stressed or in pain, take 5 minutes to listen to your favorite song.  This is a treatment that is free and most people enjoy "taking."  All that is needed is willingness to use your time to help yourself (spending time on what is important instead of what is urgent).  If you don't have a way to play the music from a speaker, play it for yourself in your head.

If you're a parent or a caregiver, try to find out what the person you care for likes in music.  Recent studies have shown remarkable improvement in dementia patients just by letting them listen to the music they loved when they were younger.  You may need to ask your loved one's friends or relatives what their favorite songs were.  If you're using an iPad or other portable device to get the music to a senior citizen, buy some large ear phones instead of the earbuds common with youth.  Seniors will adapt more easily to large ear phones.

“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.” 
 Maya Angelou

“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” 
 Aldous Huxley, Music At Night: And Other Essays

“Music . . . can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.”
― Leonard Bernstein
If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
― Albert Einstein

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