Thursday, May 30, 2013

Improve Your Brain!

As the population continues to age, more research is being conducted on how to keep our brains active and growing throughout our lives.  Tips abound, but here's some of the best suggestions for keeping your brain healthy:

Exercise:   Exercise increases our brain's ability to learn. Recent research even shows increased exercise grows brain cells and can reverse age-related brain cell loss (study was of older adults who walked 40 minutes a day three days a week).  Exercise also is good for heart health, decreased depression, leads to weight loss, and fosters social interaction.  So go for a walk, do crunches, lift weights, .....

Deep Breathing:   Doing as little as 20 minutes a day of meditation three times a week has been shown to cause changes in the amygdala, the area of the brain that regulates emotion (2012 study).  The changes seen in the brain could be correlated to more happiness and less depression.  So take a few minutes each day to simply breathe and observe your breath.  Let other thoughts go as you focus only on the now.

Learn something new:  A 2009 University of Oxford study showed new brain cell growth when people practiced juggling 30 minutes a day for 6 weeks.  The benefits suggested by the study include increased coordination and faster reflexes.  But learning anything (especially after exercising) is good for your brain.  So learn a language, a craft, or a new skill.

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