People with dementia often have trouble in social settings. The noise and activity of others is distracting and can even be scary. Even those with early stage dementia are starting to notice they can't as easily follow conversations when more than one person is involved, It can be confusing or stressful to know your role in a social setting. As a result many people with dementia and their caregivers end up isolating themselves, going to less and less social settings. Isolation can lead to depression and less physical activity.
Social interaction is one way to keep the brain active and may even help prevent the progress of dementia. So how do we find social settings for people with dementia? It's best to look for groups especially designed for people with dementia. For example, Rhodes Respite care in Anderson ( provides socialization especially for those in early or middle stage dementia. Participants enjoy attending the group where they make crafts, enjoy music, and get to know staff and other participants like themselves. The Alzheimer's support group in Seneca offers a socialization group during it's meetings for people with early stage dementia. Participants enjoy music, activities with pleasant aromas, board games such as Qwirkle and Rummykub, and interaction with college students and other participants. The group avoids expectations or competitiveness so that participants feel welcome and comfortable no matter their mood or abilities on a particular day. Trained college students from Clemson University provide one-on-one interaction to make participation active and enjoyable. If you would like to join one of the groups led by Clemson students contact Dr. Cheryl Dye at for a list of current offerings. The next sessions are Feb. 20 and April 17 at 11:30 am at Oconee Memorial Hospital.
Look for social activities where the expectations for your loved one and for you the caregiver are low. But be sure to pick activities that you both would enjoy. Consider a walk in the park where you observe children or families, attending a local church service, visiting a small store with few customers, going to a local walking trail on a sunny day, or playing a board game with one or two non-competitive accepting people. Use your loved one's former interests as a guide. If they always enjoyed playing cards look for simple card games. If they enjoyed working out, find a place where you can use simple exercise equipment. As you are interacting with others provide your companionship and support for your care receiver in case they feel confused or afraid. Be accepting of their moods and interactions and offer praise during and after the outing, even if everything wasn't perfect.
Going to a social activity can take a lot of preparation and energy. So be sure to plan some quite time or a nap afterwards. Remember to praise your loved one for going and for being with you.
Note: See the previous post for another opportunity for socialization.