In February it's not unusual to get depressed at continued short days and colder weather. Sunny days make most of us feel happy, and cold cloudy days can make us feel sad. What can we do to improve our mood when it rains for days or we're trapped inside due to bad weather?
In February it's helpful to remember that the sun is returning. Today in Seneca the sunrise was at 7:20am. On December 1st, 2012 the sun rose at 7:12am. Today the sun will set at 6:05pm and December 1 it set at 5:15pm. Today's a considerably longer day. Make a point of noticing how the days are getting longer. During your morning routine notice which part is light now that used to be dark. When the time changed in November, I got up, ate breakfast and left for work in the dark. Although it's still dark when I wake up, when I eat breakfast and leave for work it's light now. If you're a sun lover, noticing the lengthening days is a way to inspire hope and remind yourself the sunny times are increasing.
Also, be sure to spend time in the sun each day. Besides the sun helping our bodies make Vitamin D, there's also research that says many people are happier with more sun exposure (remember you get sun benefits even if it's cloudy). A walk on a cold day is good for your health and your mood.

Our thoughts affect our moods. What we think can lead to pleasant and unpleasant feelings. The first step towards changing our bad moods is simply noticing thoughts that are bringing us down. So notice how you think about the weather. Accept your thoughts and your moods. Noticing negative thoughts and accepting low moods is already a excellent beginning and helps us to manage low moods. Then, when you are ready, try some different (more hope inspiring) thoughts.
Another way to change your thoughts is to focus on the present moment. Instead of letting negative thoughts take over when you're driving in the rain or snow, notice the sound of the rain drops moment to moment. Or notice how the light changes as you drive along. Instead of looking out the window and having gloomy thoughts about weather out there, pick one object you see outside and fully describe it to yourself. Enjoy each detail of that object and then move on to something else happening only in this moment. Become aware of this moment. Appreciate now. This moment will never be available again. So take life one minute at a time...... And remember....
Spring is coming.....
"Life stands before me like an eternal spring with new and brilliant clothes."
Carl Friedrich Gauss
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