"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." Leonard Cohen.
Culture tends to tell us to get better, to reach higher...and to ignore or hide our faults. I'm all for reaching higher. But sometimes the way to get there is through our faults, failure, quirks, or "cracks." When we are pretending we have it all together, we're expending energy that might be better spent learning from our faults. When we're hiding our faults or "cracks" we're not reaching for where we want to go.
The next time you get anxious, worried, or feel guilty, try something new. Think to yourself, this is a chance for me to learn and grow. What can this feeling teach me about myself and the world? Guilt can help us get ready to apologize for something we said without thinking. Facing our anxiety, a little bit at a time, can help us to do things we've always wanted to do. For example, going to a new group, even though meeting new people make us anxious, can allow us to learn new skills or make new friends. Dr. Marsha Linehan (pyscholgist and author) ties this acceptance or welcoming of unpleasant emotions to "opposite action" as a way to get over problems we face*. The idea is to identify the action that an emotion wants us to do and then do the opposite. For example, depressed feelings tend to make us want to withdraw and/or isolate. The opposite action would be to exercise or engage. So using opposite action to decrease depression means engaging or going out when you feel like staying in. Try using opposite action to grow yourself as follows:
-If you feel depressed and want to stay in bed all day, instead go out for a walk.
-If you feel sad, watch a funny movie.
-If you're attracted to something you would rather avoid, walk away from it.
-If you feel frightened of something you want to learn to do/use, watch others doing it.
The basic idea is to let our "cracks" teach us. Be open to letting your feelings, no matter how uncomfortable, teach us.
*One clarification, it is also important to allow ourselves to experience our unpleasant emotions. Opposite action is for times when we've decided we spent too much time depressed or sad or angry. But before trying opposite action (to get rid of the feelings) it's important to first experience the feeling fully and accept it.
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