Saturday, November 24, 2012


Sound imposes a narrative on you...and it’s always someone else’s narrative...The pursuit of silence, likewise, is dissimilar from most other pursuits in that it generally begins with a surrender of the chase, the abandonment of efforts to impose our will and vision on the world. Not only is it about standing still; with rare exceptions, the pursuit of silence seems initially to involve a step backward from the tussle of life… [I]t’s as though, as a culture, we’ve learned to ‘mind the gaps’ so well that they’ve all but disappeared. We live in an age of incessancy, under the banner of the already heard and forgotten. - George Prochnik (from In Pursuit of Silence)

I encourage you to take a few moments of silence today.  As much as possible turn off the sounds (like the TV) around you.  For sounds you can't control, just notice and accept them.  Sit (or lie down).  Just notice your breath, yourself, and the world around you.  Perhaps you have only one minute to do this today.  Perhaps you have 20 minutes.  No matter how much time you have, be in the moment for that time.  If thoughts about the past or the future distract you, acknowledge them and let them go.  If you become critical of yourself (like ....  why am I so distracted?) or others (like.... why can't he be quiet for 5 minutes), notice these judgements as well and them let them go.  Pursue simply silence and peace....surrender the chase...step back from the tussle..breathe....  now .... enjoy life....

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