Friday, January 2, 2015

Dementia Dialogues

Do you work with or take care of someone with dementia?  One of the most effective ways to treat the care receiver is to provide help, education, and support for the caregiver.  Come to this free course...

Dementia Dialogues
Thursdays, February 12 - March 12, 2015
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
at St Mark's United Methodist Church
616 Quincy Rd., Seneca

Dementia Dialogues is a 5 part learning experience designed to educate individuals who care for persons who exhibit signs and symptoms associated with Alzheimer's Disease or related dementias. Each session is approximately one and one half hours in length. This program is offered at no cost to participants through the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina and the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

Below is a list of what we cover in each of the five sessions:

1. The Basic Facts, and introduction to dementia

2. Keeping the Dialogue Going: Talking to people with dementia

3. Environment and safety issues, eating, bathing

4. Challenging Behaviors: wandering, incontinence, sundowning

5. More Challenging Behaviors: repetitive behaviors, yelling, agitation, rummaging, etc.

The class is free. Registration, although not required, is recommended. Email name and phone number to

Participants can attend only one (or a few) of the sessions. Previous sessions are not a prerequisite. Caregivers who need care for a person with dementia may call the Alzheimer's Association to request a free caregiver at: 800-272-3900. (Please call at least 2 weeks in advance.)

During class, another group will be offered for care recipients offering activities for people with early or mid-stage dementia led by Dr. Cheryl Dye and Clemson University students. Board games, drawing, and music will be used to stimulate brain function and improve mood. Room for 10 participants is available. Email to reserve a spot in the care recipient group.